How Much Do You Know About….COLORS in wigs?


Obviously, there are hundreds of thousands of shades of color in the hair industry. Have you heard about those colors below? 

If not, let’s check it out!


HIGHLIGHTS: It is the process of using contrasting colors to create a sunlit appearance on the hair. Those highlights could be light or heavy streaks blended throughout the entire wig, or just at the top. Highlights are generally used less than a 50-50 proportion.


FROSTED COLORS: Frosted color is one of the most popular color mixes, as it's made up of sprinkles of colors throughout the piece. Frosted highlights add a touch of color without changing the overall shade of the hair.


TWO TONE COLORS: Two colors (T colors) refers to the placement of strands of hair with one solid color throughout the wig, varying the color, thickness and length. This gives you a natural, blended look. Two-tone color (TT Color) refers to the fading of hair with a prominent solid color at the roots into a solid highlight color at the ends. This blend gives the appearance of ombre-style highlights or color that has grown out.


OMBRE COLORS: Ombre is a French word that means 'shading' or 'graduating'. It usually refers to having dark hair at the scalp and lighter hair at the ends.



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