How to Wear A Lace Front Wigs?


How to Wear A Lace Front Wigs?

How to Wear A Lace Front Wigs?


1. Conduct a skin test.

2.Flatten your hair to your head.

3.Prepare your skin for the wig

4.Fit the wig.(For brand new wigs, follow step 4. If not a new wig, proceed to Step 5)

5.Apply wig tape or glue.


1. Conduct a skin test.

Determine whether you have any sensitivity to your adhesive. Apply a small amount to a sensitive part of your skin,inside your elbow or behind your ear. Leave it there for about 15 minutes, then remove. If there is any irritation or redness do not use that adhesive and select a different type or brand.

2. Flatten your hair to your head.

If you have little or no hair, you will want to use a wig liner to help keep your wig secure.

3. Prepare your skin for the wig

Wash your forehead, paying close attention to the hairline with a gentle cleanser. Blot dry. Use a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and wipe along hairline to remove excess oil.

4. Fit the wig. (For brand new wigs, follow step 4. If not a new wig, proceed to Step 5)

To fit the wig, hold the wig close to the label, tilt your head slightly forward, place your wig to your forehead, and in a front to back motion slip the wig on as you would a bathing cap. Tilt head upright and push the front of the wig back until it aligns with your natural hairline. Tuck in any stray hairs.

5. Apply wig tape or glue.

There are two types of adhesive you can use to secure a lace front wig to your head; tape or glue. We recommend trying both methods and deciding which you prefer.

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